Friday, August 30, 2019

Embracing a New Season of Motherhood

Embracing a New Season of Motherhood

As we welcome new addition to our family, it entails adjustments not just for me but for the entire family, a new season for us.

This means closing doors and new beginnings...

Wistfully, I had to leave the dance ministry I was involved in. It was difficult because I really love to dance ever since and the ministry is very dear to me. Nonetheless, I am grateful to God and to Saints Dance Ministry for all the lessons and experiences. Though it was a shortstop, I've learned a lot from them. Not just in terms of dancing but more so, in my spiritual journey. I am blessed by the weekly devotions and it's one of the things I always look forward to. It was so humbling to be accountable to people younger than me. Most of the time, I feel like they are more mature Christians.

Presently, I am also back to working from home. I currently have two part-time jobs to help augment our finances. This was agreed on even before I got pregnant and was magnified with the coming of another child. Thankfully, God allowed me to get hired despite being pregnant and He gave me the one that I was really praying for!

These changes would also mean I will be juggling between being a wife, mom to (soon to be) three, homeschooler to two boys (by September), while at the same time working as a freelancer. Just the mere thought of these is already overwhelming, but I know God will always equip me to do the task He has called me. His grace is sufficient for me, plus I have a supportive husband who is always by my side.

I may sometimes fear the future but I rest my case to God. It's not easy, in fact, my personal schedule is a bit chaotic the past few days, but I look forward to easing in and get the right routine once everything is settled. I just thank God for the perfect timing. I had my training during our homeschool vacation, so I was able to somehow adjust and focus on it. I've also seen how personal our God is in the past few days and how He responded whenever I am overwhelmed with anxieties. He always has an answer which most of the time bring me to the realization of how small my faith is.

This was shared to us by our small group leader and it is very timely:
We don’t know how God will use the circumstances of our life, but we can rest in the knowledge that God knows everything about us and is directing our footsteps. Though His sovereign hand may seem hidden, He’s never absent.

I know God is redirecting my life for a greater purpose. I may not know where He is leading me and my family but I trust His sovereign hands. I'm embracing this new season of motherhood..

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. ~ Psalm 139:16

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