Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I Am Married to a Carpenter

My husband Romel loves woodworking a lot! Every time he has spare time after work or on weekends, he prefers doing items from wood. Even when he is sick, he is always itching to have his hands work on woods. He is not just our Tsep Dad, but our house carpenter too.


He shared when he was young, every time his Titos work on carpentry, he is there to observe and sometimes to give a helping hand. His Papa is also good at woodworking and so was his Lolo. So, this is really something innate to him.


I love that he always gives his best in every project. Although these are home projects, he is using the opportunity to practice and I've seen his improvements all this time. Lord willing, he wants to make it an extra source of income. But at this point, he will continue to practice to improve his craft. As a wife, I'm just here to support his endeavors.

Latest Project: Bookshelf for Gael

He also made several other things in our house such as our dining table, floating bookshelf, and many more. I've put up a facebook page for his works so that it will be easy to browse through them, you can check it here (it is still in progress). :)

Biggest project thus far

So, what it's like to be married to a carpenter? It's actually a blessing! We don't need to buy furniture for our house and for our homeschooling. As you know, furniture made from wood are really costly and I'm just thankful for my husband's new found hobby. His works may not be perfect but it was made with love.

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